Family Travel

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An Epic Education — Family Travel Blog

On September 1st, 2013, my wife and I left our desk jobs in Tokyo, pulled our kids out of school and left to slow-travel through Southeast Asia, Europe and beyond.

On AN EPIC EDUCATION, I share actionable advice and personal stories  related to long-term and short-term travel with kids. All the tools, tips, and advice you need for meaningful family travel.

Epic Education Radio — Family Travel Podcast

On EPIC EDUCATION RADIO you hear interviews with inspired traveling families and families who have moved abroad. Here they share their stories, resources, and techniques so that you can have a better travel experience with your family.

Child’s Play: Fun for families in Japan

Since 2013, I have co-authored a parenting column for the Japan Times newspaper. The “Child’s Play” column helps families in Japan find places to learn and play.

Tokyo with Children — the eBook

A Tokyo travel guide  with parents in mind. Here you’ll find a detailed guide to fun and educational places in the most dynamic city in the world. Visiting or moving to Tokyo with children? I made this travel guide for you.

Tokyo with Children — the App

Some fo the eBook’s best content in a convenient app for smart devices. Location information, a handy map and budgeting features included.